Flex can be used to solve most ui layout requirements in regular business applications if each items need to have equal height.
Flex consists of flex container and flex items, each of them supports different css styles. It is important to understand which css style works on flex container or flex items.
Flex container:
For any container html element, when setting the below css style to it, the element becomes a flex container, and any direct sub elements become flex items.
.myform {
display: flex;
The flex container has the below css styles:
.myform {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap; //control whether wrap the elements when page shrinks
justify-content: center; // control where to shall all flex item in flex container in main axis: center, flex-start, flex-end, space-around, space-between
align-items: stretch; // control how each flex item is aligned in cross axis direction: stretch, flex-start, flex-end, center and baseline
align-content: normal: //control how all flex items are align in flex container in cross axis direction, not used very often.
Flex elements
Any direct sub elements of flex container element can be styled by flex item css styles. The styles controls the element itself and its sibling elements' behavior. The styles include:
flex: define how the element will grow or shrink when the page width changes. It can be used to define how item grows and shrinks related to other elements. For example, a growing input text box with a button with default width can be defined as below
input[type="text"] {
flex: 1 0 auto
button[type="submit"] {
flex: initial 0 initial
Sample usage 1
A growing field and a fix width item, the growing field occupies all remaining line
Sample usage 2
Two fields occupy left and right end of the line by setting justify-content: space-between
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