CSS Selector
select element with id="firstname"
select all elements with class="myclass"
p (or any html element tag)
select all <p> elements
AND (conditions without space, comma or any in between)
select all elements having both class1 and class2 class attribute

select element with id="firstname"
select all elements with class="myclass"
p (or any html element tag)
select all <p> elements
AND (conditions without space, comma or any in between)
select all elements having both class1 and class2 class attribute
select all p elements with class1 attribute
OR (comma separated conditions)
p, div
select all p and all div elements
descendant (space separated conditions)
div p
select all p element inside a <div> elements, child or grand child
direct child (> separated conditions)
select all p element whose direct parent is div
immediate sibling after
select p element that is immediately after a div element
general sibling after
select p element follows a p element, not necessary immediately
CSS debug tip
Chrome debugger provides few useful tools to work on css style.
1. element context menu:
After opening the chrome debugger, you can click on an html element, than then select "inspect" from the context menu, it will scroll to the selected element in Chrome debugger's Element view. From there, right click on the element, and the context menu will allow you to do many operation from chrome debugger, including:
1. Edit the html element and attribute
2. Force the element state, such as focus, hover, visited, active
3. Set an auto break point when sub element has any change, or element's attribute has any change.
2. Style view menus
The Chrome debugger's style view has 3 menu items that can simplify the css style related debugging.
:hov menu can be used to toggle the element state
.cls menu can be used to add or remove classes defined for the element
+ menu can be used to define new styles in a temporary css file file called inspector-stylesheet.css