Thursday, January 14, 2021

Common vim and linux terminal command, and setx for Windows

1. vim:

switch to input mode from command mode


switch to command mode from input mode


save and quit in command mode


search a text in command mode


delete a line in command mode

:set number

show line numbers



2. Linux bash

grep textToSearch

Text search in lines

grep -i textToSearch

Text search in lines, ignore case


clear screen

ps -aux

print current running process information, like PID, command line parameters

watch command -n watchinterval

execute command repeatedly in the specified interval (default is 2s)

watch date

cat filename

show file content


get current directory


list all file and folder in the current directory

show all environment variables

mkdir -p path
Create path as well as all missing parent path

sed -i -e "s|old1|new1|g" -e "s\old2|new2|g" path/filename
in place replacement (-i) of strings in path/filename from "old1" to "new1","old2" to "new2"

echo 'some string' | base64 
base64 encode an string

echo 'some encoded string' | base64 --decode
decode base64 encoded string

base64 filename > encodedfilename
base 64 encode a file to a new file

base64 --decode encodedfilename > decodefilename
base64 decode a file to decoded file

3. openssl

openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
Create key for root ca

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out ca.crt

create self signed root ca certificate 

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
create key for server

openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

create signing request for server certificate

openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CAcreateserial  -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -out server.crt

create server certificate from signing request by signed with root CA

openssl x509 -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt -text
view certificate information

4. network

Route table is used for ip to ip routing. Arp table is used for ip to mac address mapping.

show which ip and port are listening from which process


ip link
show list of network interface on the host

ip addr
show the address of network interface on the host

ip addr add dev ech0
set ip address on a network interface ech0

ip addr del dev ech0
remove ip address from network interface ech0

ip route
view routing table

ip route add via
add an entry into the routing table

IP forwarding config file to decide whether network requests can cross different network interface
1 is enabled, 0 is disabled

To persist the above config across system restart, update file 


Host name resolution file


DNS config file


Change DNS lookup order


hosts:          files dns

Show dns lookup information

nslookup hostnametolookup

list network namespace

ip netns

add network namespace red

ip netns add red

run ip command from namespace of red

ip -n red link


ip netns exec red ip link

create a virtual link (veth type) to connect two interfaces you named: vethred and vethblue

ip link add vethred type veth peer name vethblue

set interface vethred to a particular namespace red

ip link set vethred netns red

ip link set vethblue netns blue

set ip address for the network interface link vethred and vethblue

ip -n red addr add dev vethred

ip -n blue addr add dev vethblue

enable the interface link to up state

ip -n red link set vethred up

ip -n blue link set vethblue up

ping from one namespace to another using link interface ip

sudo ip netns exec red ping

delete interface link

ip -n red link delete vethred

add a virtual bridge v-net-0 of bridge type as switch

ip link add v-net-0 type bridge

bring bridge interface up

ip link set v-net-0 up

verify the status by 

ip link

create link to the bridge

ip link add vethred type veth peer name veth-red-br

ip link add vethblue type veth peer name veth_blue_br

set link to namespace

ip link set vethred netns red

ip link set vethblue netns blue

ip link set veth-red-br master v-net-0

set ip address for the link

ip -n red addr add dev vethred

ip -n blue addr add dev vethblue

bring link interface up

ip -n red link set vethred up

ip -n blue link set vethblue up

set ip address for bridge

ip addr add dev v-net-0

ip addr add dev veth-blue-br

ping from one namespace to another

ip netns exec red ping

display and config network configuration


setX for windows

Sometimes IT may disable user to access user account settings from control panel, so users cannot update the environment variables. To bypass the issue, you can use setx command, which is quite often missed by IT
setx JAVA_HOME c:\yourJDKFolder 

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