The npm package may be installed on the following folders on mac
1. ./node_modules
If the package is installed locally, the folder is in the current folder's ./node_modules of the current package. You should install the package locally, if the package will be loaded into your js app with require() method.
2. /usr/local/lib/node_modules folder
If the package is installed globally, i.e, installed with -g flag, then it is installed in
/usr/local/lib/node_modules folder
3. ~/.npm
There will be another copy in your home directory's ~/.npm folder, it is a cache that npm uses to avoid re-downloading the same package multiple times. There's no harm in removing it. You can empty it with the command:
npm cache clean
To uninstall a local npm package, use
npm rm
to uninstall a global npm package, use
npm rm -g
To check an installed npm package version, use
npm view packagename
1. ./node_modules
If the package is installed locally, the folder is in the current folder's ./node_modules of the current package. You should install the package locally, if the package will be loaded into your js app with require() method.
2. /usr/local/lib/node_modules folder
If the package is installed globally, i.e, installed with -g flag, then it is installed in
/usr/local/lib/node_modules folder
3. ~/.npm
There will be another copy in your home directory's ~/.npm folder, it is a cache that npm uses to avoid re-downloading the same package multiple times. There's no harm in removing it. You can empty it with the command:
npm cache clean
To uninstall a local npm package, use
npm rm
to uninstall a global npm package, use
npm rm -g
To check an installed npm package version, use
npm view packagename
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