1. When starting tomcat from eclipse, usually a separate tomcat instance configured by eclipse will start. If you want to run the existing tomcat instance with all web apps in it, you will need to double click on the tomcat item in server tab, and then select Server location to "Use Tomcat installation". Notice that the server path below will point to the existing tomcat you already installed before.
Start the tomcat from eclipse, you will see all you existing web app are there.
2. When run tomcat from mac from command line, you will need to update the file permission to make it work as below:
Start the tomcat from eclipse, you will see all you existing web app are there.
2. When run tomcat from mac from command line, you will need to update the file permission to make it work as below:
chmod 755 /Users/i826633/Documents/SMP/apache-tomcat-7.0.57/bin/*
3. the role name for tomcat user are case sensitive, so "administrator" is different from "Administrator"
3. the role name for tomcat user are case sensitive, so "administrator" is different from "Administrator"